Course description

This course will support the development of emergent curriculum practices in an infant/toddler placement. The Apprentice will apply principles of emergent practice that meet the interests and strengths of infants and toddlers while demonstrating professionalism and maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment. They will examine how routines, schedules and a physical environment impact on children’s behaviour and development. They will demonstrate sensitive care giving, and will plan, implement, and evaluate learning and caregiving experiences through reflective practice.

Course details

Hours: 54
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: ECE1410 ECE1555 FPLT1050
Corequisites: ECE1625
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Starts: Jan. 6, 2025
Ends: Apr. 14, 2025
Delivery: Online - Synchronous
Campus: Online
Cost: $0.00
WikiPage not found Winter 2025 registration opens November 4, 2024. Spring 2025 registration opens March 17, 2025.
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