Today’s leaders are often called upon to implement and support the change process. They need to be able to identify and respond to internal and external factors that will determine when and what types of change initiatives are required. Environmental scanning, identifying trends, implementing and measuring successful change are all essential to developing and managing change to the benefit of the organization. Organizational readiness and risk assessment will also be covered in the context of best practices.
Please note: This course is offered through OntarioLearn. To review important information such as textbook, exam and grade information, visit OntarioLearn.
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Not all courses are offered each term.
In person: classes held in person on a campus/site in a classroom/lab/shop/studio for the course duration
Online - Asynchronous: 100% online delivery, no scheduled day or time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Online - Synchronous: 100% online delivery, scheduled day and time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Hybrid: any combination of in person, timetabled, on campus, online, and hyflex delivery