The core ethics, values, skills and knowledge base that are inherent in being a successful career counsellor are developed in this course. An ethical decision-making process is learned to increase the student's competence in their role as a professional helper. The micro-skills hierarchy will be presented as a framework for mastering the basic interviewing and counselling skills. Integrated throughout the course will be growth through intentionality, cultural competence and exercises designed to help a student in their development of counselling competence and style. Counselling theories will be introduced. Students will practice client case management.
This course is part of the following
This course is part of the following
Have you taken this course or an equivalent course? Contact the Credit Transfer Office.
Not all courses are offered each term.
In person: classes held in person on a campus/site in a classroom/lab/shop/studio for the course duration
Online - Asynchronous: 100% online delivery, no scheduled day or time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Online - Synchronous: 100% online delivery, scheduled day and time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Hybrid: any combination of in person, timetabled, on campus, online, and hyflex delivery