About the program

The Medical Office Skills College Certificate provides administrative professionals with the basic administrative skills to support medical office routines. Students will be introduced to the basics of OHIP billing, patient scheduling and medical records management. Additionally, students will learn how to support patients during a variety of medical tests and develop a fundamental knowledge of pharmacology relevant to the role of the medical office administrator. The program provides students with a foundation of medical terminology, common medical conditions, and the common diagnostic tests and treatments associated with these conditions.

Program information

All courses must be completed within 3 years of acceptance into the program.

Admission requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years of age or older

Admission procedures

  • Apply at Ontario Colleges - www.ontariocolleges.ca
  • Final selection is made following an assessment of the admission requirements.

Graduate opportunities

For more details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, see the Government of Canada website: https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home

Program outcomes

  • Develop the medical language skills required to communicate effectively in a variety of medical settings.
  • Categorize and pronounce common diseases and disorders of the body systems using anatomy and physiology terminology.
  • Identify common diagnostic tests, medical conditions and treatments as they apply to each body system.
  • Apply billing principles to a variety of medical office billing scenarios at an introductory level.
  • Develop a fundamental basis of pharmacology relevant to the role of the medical office administrator.
  • Prepare and support patients during medical tests and when starting new prescriptions.
  • Manage financial records within a private medical office with a foundational understanding of OHIP billing.

Program related resources

Program contact

Continuing Education
Upcoming registrations

Mark your calendar with our registration dates, so you can plan your future.

Winter registration: Opened November 4, 2024
Spring registration: Opens March 3, 2025