Please note:

Employers: You may qualify for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant, which offers financial support to enrol your employees in this course.

For information about the application process, please email Erika Ellis at


Are you curious about the ever-growing industry of employee relocation and mobility? Offered in partnership with the Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC), this fully online micro-credential will be of interest to human resource professionals, relocation specialists, global mobility professionals or those employed in real estate. This micro-credential develops the necessary skills to establish and administer an effective relocation process that addresses the human dynamics of a move while meeting the business objectives of an organization. Students who complete the courses will achieve designations through CERC: Relocation Specialist (Level I), Canadian Employee Relocation Professional (CERP) (Level II) and Canadian Global Mobility Professional (CGMP) (Level III).

Completion requirements

For successful completion of this micro-credential, students will successfully complete and pass all courses listed.

Program affiliations



Awarded by the Registrar's Office to those who have successfully completed a defined list of related courses that focus on a specific competency. Typically less than 136 hours and include assessment. The quality criteria are determined by the college.


Visit your Student Portal to track your progress. When you have successfully completed the requirements, you can print your certificate.