
This micro-credential is aimed at participants that wish to better gather and interpret the massive amounts of data that companies collect. The learning outcomes will provide the skills necessary to collect, clean, identify, and visualize the large amounts of data and interpret its value to help make better business decisions. The courses in this micro-credential will teach the participant how to best collect the needed data, organize and search through the data based on needs, and finally turn the data into visual output that is easily interpreted by stakeholders.

Completion requirements

For successful completion of this micro-credential, students will successfully complete and pass all courses listed.


Awarded by the Registrar's Office to those who have successfully completed a defined list of related courses that focus on a specific competency. Typically less than 136 hours and include assessment. The quality criteria are determined by the college.


Visit your Student Portal to track your progress. When you have successfully completed the requirements, you can print your certificate.