This course will provide students with an introduction to philosophy as well as an opportunity to examine and discuss issues that are widely debated among philosophers. Students will examine classical and modern philosophers as they struggled with their own thoughts as they were compared to more accepted religious and scientific theories. Readings will focus on philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Locke, and Descartes, as well as more prominent contemporary philosophers Robert Nozick, Hilary Putnam, and Thomas Nagel. Students will be introduced to philosophical arguments and the forms and methods in which arguments should be conducted and analyzed.
Please note: This course is offered through OntarioLearn. To review important information such as textbook, exam and grade information, visit OntarioLearn.
Have you taken this course or an equivalent course? Contact the Credit Transfer Office.
Not all courses are offered each term.
In person: classes held in person on a campus/site in a classroom/lab/shop/studio for the course duration
Online - Asynchronous: 100% online delivery, no scheduled day or time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Online - Synchronous: 100% online delivery, scheduled day and time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates
Hybrid: any combination of in person, timetabled, on campus, online, and hyflex delivery