Course description

Do you want to take your Microsoft Access skills to the next level? In this course, you'll master more advanced techniques for this powerful database program and build an entire database project from scratch. You'll start by importing customer and order information from several Excel spreadsheets as tables in a new database. You'll learn how to add key fields to the tables, update these fields using action queries, and build relationships between the tables. Once you've mastered proper table construction, you'll build on that knowledge by learning how to create forms to manage table data. You'll discover how to construct crosstab and summary queries, and crunch numbers using query calculations. You'll also learn about outer table joins that can make your queries more effective. From building reports to using conditional formatting, you'll see how to present your data and gain techniques for using Visual Basic to automate common tasks. Finally, you'll build a navigation form to make it easy for your users to find their way around your database. By the time you've completed the course, you'll have a fully functional database that tracks customer and order information.

Course details

Hours: 24
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None

Additional information: This course is offered through ed2go. Find out more about ed2go.

ed2go courses

These 6-week online courses are designed for working professionals and those seeking personal advancement. From the start date, students have access to their courses 24/7. There are no live lectures or specific days and times students must be logged in. Each Wednesday and Friday, the instructor releases a lesson, for a total of 12. There is a 2-week period at the end of the course to complete the final exam.

Starts: Feb. 12, 2025
Ends: Apr. 14, 2025
Campus: Online
Cost: $197.00
Starts: Mar. 12, 2025
Ends: May. 12, 2025
Campus: Online
Cost: $197.00

Registration dates

Not all courses are offered each term.

Spring 2025 registration opens March 3, 2025.

Delivery options

In person: classes held in person on a campus/site in a classroom/lab/shop/studio for the course duration

Online - Asynchronous: ​100% online delivery, no scheduled day or time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates

Online - Synchronous: 100% online delivery, scheduled day and time course requirements with the instructor, assigned due dates

Hybrid: any combination of in person, timetabled, on campus, online, and hyflex delivery