Professional designation

The Canadian Institute of Management (CIM) is a federally and provincially chartered association established in 1942 to increase opportunities for professional development. There are 16 chapters located across Canada. The Institute is committed to leadership in promoting management professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness and excellence in individuals and organizations.

Upon successful completion of the four courses and four elective courses, the student will have completed the academic requirement toward the C.I.M. designation. The C.I.M. designation would be attained once the student has completed the academic requirement and the practical requirement of two (2) years' managerial work experience.

CIM Required Courses:

  • Introduction to Management
  • Managerial Communications
  • Financial Management
  • Strategic Analysis

CIM Elective Courses: Two required

  • Canadian Business Law
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Management Information Systems
  • Economics and/or Project Management
  • Managerial Marketing

The program is designed to expose students to the major areas of managerial responsibility and to enhance management skills of current supervisors and managers.

Exemptions: Students with credits in equivalent post-secondary studies can apply for exemptions from courses in the CIM program, provided those courses have been passed with a 60% minimum mark and were completed within the last seven years.

Request for exemptions must be made in writing to the CIM Head Office.

Course Equivalencies

Canadian Institute of Management Course Equivalency Chart

CIM Required Courses

CIM Courses TitleConestoga Equivalent Courses
Introduction to ManagementSupervisory Practices (HRM1010)
Management Leadership Skills (OLRN1610)
Intro to Operations Management (OPER1160)
Managerial CommunicationsIntroduction to Professional Writing and Presentation Skills (COMM1500)
Interpersonal Writing & Presentation Skills (COMM1140)
Financial ManagementFinance I (FIN2020)
Introductory Financial Accounting II (ACCT1040)
Intermediate Financial Accounting II (ACCT2140)
Strategic AnalysisStrategic Business Planning (MGMT3030)

CIM Elective Courses (pick two)

CIM Course TitleConestoga Equivalent Courses
Canadian Business LawBusiness Law (BUS2010)
Managerial AccountingApplied Managerial Accounting (ACCT2460)
Human Resources ManagementHuman Resource Management (HRM2040)
Organizational BehaviourOrganizational Behaviour (BUS1021)
Management Information SystemsBusiness Computing Applications I (COMP1056)
Business Computing Applications II (COMP1003)
EconomicsMacroeconomics (ECON1030)
Microeconomics (ECON1020)
Project ManagementProject Management (MGMT2060)
Managerial MarketingIntroductory Marketing I (MKT1040)
Introductory Marketing II (MKT1050)
Marketing (MKT2150)

Other subjects not suggested in the optional course list may be accepted if successfully completed.
Refer all enquiries directly to the CIM for acceptability.

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