Professional designation

Founded in 1990, PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada promotes and enables excellence in maintenance, reliability, and asset management through collaboration, applied learning, leadership and advocacy.

PEMAC membership provides maintenance professionals a unique opportunity to elevate their career and accelerate their organization.

  • Connect to a community of 1,600+ like-minded professionals
  • Industry-leading education programs
  • Globally-recognized certifications
  • Canada's premier annual maintenance, reliability and asset management conference
  • Exclusive access to a wealth of knowledge and resources
  • Opportunities to contribute to your profession

Earn your Maintenance Management Professional Certificate from PEMAC through online live learning at Conestoga.

The Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) certification is awarded to professionals who successfully complete the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) education program. This certification provides holders the exclusive right to use the "MMP" professional designation, establishes professional credibility, demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and creates a competitive advantage providing opportunities for career advancement and earning potential.

Contact information

PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada
2 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 750, Mississauga ON L4Z 1H8
Telephone: 905-823-7255
Toll free: 1-877-523-7255
Fax: 905-823-8001